Kết quả hình ảnh cho hel norse mythology"
Far down beneath the root of Yggdrasil, in darkest and coldest Niflheim, lies the fearful domain of Hel, daughter of Loki and Angerboda. One half of her body has a livid tinge, and the other half the hue of human flesh; she is harsh and cruel, greedy for prey, and tenacious of those who have once fallen under her rule. The dark, deep vales surrounding her kingdom are called Hell-Ways; to go thither men must cross the river Gjoll (“roaring,” “resounding”), spanned by the Bridge of Gjoll, which is paved with gold. Lofty walls enclose her dwelling place, and the gate that opens upon it is called Hell-Gate. Her hall is known as Eljudnir; her dish or porringer, as Hunger; her knife, as Famine; her bondman and bondmaid, as Ganglati and Ganglt (both words meaning “tardy”); her threshold, as Sinking to Destruction; her couch, as Sickbed; the curtains of her bed, as Glimmering Mischance. Her huge bandog, Garm, is bloody of chest and muzzle. Her “sooty-red” cock crows to herald the fall of the universe. In the midst of Niflheim stands the well Vergelmir, beside which lies the serpent Niddhogg. The brinks of Vergelmir are called Nastrand (the Strand of Corpses); here is the most forbidding spot in Niflheim. All who did not fall in battle were said to go to Hell; but the general belief seems nevertheless to have been that only the wicked found their way thither.
In the terminology of the skalds, Hel is not infrequently designated as the Daughter of Loki, the Wolf’s (the Fenris Wolf’s) Sister, and the like. The names Hell (and Niflhel) are often used of the realm of the dead; thence the expression in Norwegian, å slå
ihjel (ihel), — “to strike into Hell,” “to kill.” When ghosts walked abroad, the saying might commonly be heard, “Hell-Gate is open” (hnigin er helgrind); for then it was possible for spirits to slip out.
